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Minna Technologies

Minna Technologies is a fintech scaleup that develops a white-label app enabling bank customers to gain a clear overview of their subscription expenses and manage them effortlessly. Through the app, users can cancel or modify their subscriptions. During my time at Minna, I had the opportunity to develop the company's brand.
An exciting journey

The process of uncovering the essence of the brand involved interviews, design sprints, and testing. Based on the insights gathered, a vision for the company’s visual identity was developed. The brand should convey creativity, credibility, and warmth. To achieve this, I have introduced warmer colors, a new typeface, recognizable graphic elements, a cohesive visual language, along with a hand-drawn illustration style and custom icons.


Below, you can see examples of how Minna's visual identity has evolved. Use the slider to compare Minna’s brand before and after the rebranding process.

The company's personality

A company's brand is one of its most valuable assets. I see the brand as a company's personality, and it's that personality that forms the foundation of the graphic profile. The visuals are just one of many components that make up the brand. Communication, the people in the company, the company culture, and even the office environment are all equally important. When all these elements are aligned and consistent, the brand and the company become credible and trustworthy. However, if one aspect doesn’t match the others, trust is immediately compromised. That’s why consistency is of immense value to the company. 

Below, you can see examples of how Minna's visual identity is aligned in different channels.

Product sheets and Benchmark
Minnas Web
Web Themes Presentation_v2.png
Skärmavbild 2021-09-28 kl. 22.25.09.png
Icons and illustrations
Branding at the office
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